On this episode Shawn interviews Scott Miller. Scott Miller of Franklin Covey, is a best selling author of Management Mess To Leadership Success: 30 Challenges To Become The Leader You Would Follow. He has also been featured on Rachael Hollis , Forbes, Entrepreneur, and plenty other platforms. Get ready for some mind blowing tips to help you become a better leader in your career or your business.
You can follow Scott on Instagram @scottjmiller and on LinkedIn as Scott Miller. Purchase his book, Management Mess at www.managementmess.com. They will discuss the following:
Gaining clarity with leadership
His best selling book
How to turn your mess into success
Shawn will bring you relevant and practical episodes each week, giving you the tools, and information to get started on a path towards starting the career, or business of your dreams. Each week we will bring you an inspiring person who has asked themselves this very same question, or a message to help you unlock your inner gift. 🔥👇🏽
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