You got to become a student of the game before you make the leap! Do you agree?
On this episode of “Extra Credit Friday’s” Shawn revisits his interview with Sequoia Blodgett on Ep#67.
Sequoia has knocked down the doors in both the music industry and the tech space. She is the founder of Commas, a product and service engine for growing entrepreneurs that offers exclusive access to top tech and creative resources.
She has spoken all over the world about fundraising, building a tech company, using tech to create strong visual content and helping entrepreneurs understand how to stay relevant in the digital revolution.
They will discuss the following:
⭐️ Why becoming a student is important
⭐️ The art of being humble
⭐️ How patience is a factor for success
To learn more about Sequoia visit her on Instagram.
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Shawn will bring you relevant and practical episodes each week, giving you the tools, and information to get started on a path towards starting the career, or business of your dreams. Each week we will bring you an inspiring person who has asked themselves this very same question, or a message to help you unlock your inner gift. 🔥👇🏽
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Instagram: @Shawnranthony_
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Email: Shawn@schoolsovernowwhat.com
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