On this episode Shawn interviews Gerard Adams on Instagram live. Gerard was on the show back in 2018 and now he is back dropping nothing but gems. Enjoy this exclusive interview from our IG Live series “Coronavirus...Now What?”
Gerard Adams was co-founder of Elite Daily a news site targeted towards millennials, which sold to the Daily Mail in 2015 for $50 million. He is also a contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine and the founder of Newark, New Jersey start up accelerator, Fownders. Gerard is also the Host of hit Youtube show “Leaders Create Leaders”
They will discuss the following 👇🏽🔥
⭐️ Leveling up
⭐️ Building relationships of value
⭐️ The importance of self love
You can follow Gerard on Instagram here.
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Checkout Shawn ON THRIVE HERE: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/brand-strategist-shawn-anthonys-top-3-tips-for-living-a-success-driven-lifestyle/
Shawn will bring you relevant and practical episodes each week, giving you the tools, and information to get started on a path towards starting the career, or business of your dreams. Each week we will bring you an inspiring person who has asked themselves this very same question, or a message to help you unlock your inner gift.
Contact Info
Instagram: @Shawnranthony_
Twitter: @Shawnranthony_
Email: Shawn@schoolsovernowwhat.com
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